applying stylesheets

code-recipe for applying a stylesheet

1 min, 200 words

Tags: code

small focused how-to

For a project with some xml-content, I put together a little demo of using python to transform a source xml file containing a dummy list of fifteen test-entries (three people with five entries each) like this...

    <!-- Entries for Person 1 -->
        <PersonName>Person 1</PersonName>
        <PersonName>Person 1</PersonName>

-- into a nice summarization (with test-scores averaged), like this...

   <Name>Person 1</Name>
   <Name>Person 2</Name>
   <Name>Person 3</Name>
</scores> applying a stylesheet.

recipe thought

It'd be useful over time to build out a list of recipes for either good-practices or for small focused how-tos. GitHub's ability to link to a line or lines means that an index of recipes could reference small parts of existing projects -- or small focused repos such as this.